Saturday, February 27, 2010

Bonus night...

Last night was a rough and wonderful night. I got home from work and jumped right into my workouts - bike and then a really really really really hard run. When I got done I drank a quick glass of chocolate milk, stretched, hopped in the shower, and then I was off to Somerville for an evening with some of my favorite peeps - "Missliss" (Melissa) & "Oh-doe" (Odoi - yes, that's what we call you guys at home). I was hurt-ing. Sooo tired, sooo thirsty, sooo hungry. Fortunately, when we got there, the Odotei's quickly got to the business of feeding me some deliciousness. Pasta with seafood and veggies - sure there were mushrooms (which Melissa noticed I pulled out - I guess I wasn't sneaky enough), but I won't hold that against them - it was delicious all the same. :-)

After dinner, I sat on the floor of their kitchen for a little bit (I told you my legs were tired!), and then Odoi and I got to melt down some chocolate (which we ate a little of first), and dip strawberries. And somewhere in all of this SOMEONE (me) merely mentioned the fact that Apollo Ohno would be competing in his final races last night. I repeat - I MENTIONED - I did not suggest... completely within the rules. But Melissa and Odoi being the wonderful people they are, decided to make sure that they saw that. So somewhere in the strawberry dipping process, Odoi disappeared to the living room, and moments later I heard, "It;s on!" So I grabbed the rest of the melted chocolate and a spoon and dashed to the living room.

Between the races and controversy of a disqualified Apollo (bad call, ref), Odoi was kind enough to channel surf a little, and caught a glimpse of a Numb3rs episode! Exciting stuff right? 3 weeks ago, I would come home to brand new episodes of all my shows - happy, sure - but excited? Mehhh... Now, I literally jump out of my seat (seriously, Odoi was cracking up), when amidst channel surfing, I catch a glimpse of a re-run of Don and Charlie Epps trying to catch the mastermind of a tournament style Russian Roulette gambling racket. (I picked that up from less than 30 seconds of the one scene that Odoi lingered on for my benefit.)

I miss TV. I wonder if it will ever get to the point where I am no longer excited by glimpses of shows. I think that would be the real victory. But right now I don't really want that. It'd be like wanting to forget about your friends (as fictional as they may be) to the point that you no longer get excited when you see them again. Hmmm ... sounds kinda like a break up. I've gotta get over TV. Well, someday I'll get there I'm sure. In the meantime - last night I got to log some time with wonderful friends (not to mention the wifey), eating tasty dishes, and watching a little Olympics - I'm not even sure which one I'd call the bonus!

Today's temptation rating: 6.8

Days without incident: 19


  1. It amazes me how you can recall bits from different episodes. Seriously, that kind of attention to detail and that ability to recall is truely a gift. I hope you don't lose it because you arent using it.....:-(

  2. As with any gift, mother - it simply comes as a consequence of WAYYY too much practice (or in this case, TV watching...)
