Monday, February 15, 2010

it's like I have two heads

I tried getting pictures of actual people I've told that I'm giving up TV, but those people are either camera shy, or still in their pajamas (eh hem, mom and Emily). So I looked for some pictures of people that have made similar faces - these are the spitting image. It just doesn't compute with people. Why on earth would I give up what many believe to be my God given right to watch TV. The responses I get are more than just what you would see when rights are violated - it's like I'm telling people that I'm giving up eating.

The thing is though, that it's not actually like eating. It certainly feels like it to me sometimes. as I'm sure it does to other people - but the fact of the matter is that there was a time before television, where... get this... NO ONE EVER WATCHED TV. Yeah, I know, crazy, right? It's not even that I'm trying to revert back to a simpler time folks - I have my reasons, which I hope I've made clear. But the bottom line is. it's really not as crazy or controversial as it sounds. So for all those of you that are still scratching or heads in confusion, or insisting that I'll be back to my old ways a month from now - we'll see what happens. In the mean time, scratch away folks.

Today's temptation rating: 5

Days without incident: 7

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