Sunday, February 14, 2010

Temptation rating for Feb. 12

Emily and I drove to NJ yesterday, so there was unfortunately no time to write a blog post about day 5. I don't remember much about the day except for my temptation rating... what's that? What's a temptation rating? Well I'm glad you asked. It was Emily's idea, really. So in the car we have a 1 to 10 rating system for the urgency of our need to go to the bathroom - 10 being "I'm peeing my pants as we speak" vs. 1 being "the thought of peeing just crossed my mind." I know, brilliant, right?

Anyway, Emily thought to use the same kind of rating system to check in with my everyday and see how tempted I am to watch TV. Friday was probably the first time that my rating went above 5 - I'd say it was about a 6 or 6.5. I was in the 1-3 range Monday through Thursday, but Friday I got home ready to start my week long vacation (no school next week!), and I just really wanted to plop down and watch TV. Yesterday, however was sweet relief from the torment. We arrived in New Jersey, and my parent's had the Olympics on. I'm proud to say that I stayed in the kitchen with the real people until Apollo Ohno came on, at which point we all went into the living room and watched him skate his way into his sixth Olympic medal. I get one more day of Olympic enjoyment, and then the real test will come as I resist the urge to go on Hulu while at home by myself for most of next week. I think we'll likely be seeing temptation ratings north of 7 most days next week - let's just hope I never actually hit 10. :-)

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