Friday, February 26, 2010

My friend, the enemy.

I want to show you something. Something that has brought trouble and joy to my life simultaneously, and in equal supply. No it's not lost. It's not Jack (from Lost), and it's not Hurley (also from Lost). This is the opening page for Hulu.

Emily and I have actually tried avoiding TV in the past. Since we've been married, we've never purchased cable. We've lived without cable for nearly 5 years now. (Excluding a year that we lived with some friends that wanted TV for CNN.) I got my TV fix from Friends DVD's and Netflix movies and episodes as they came in the mail. However, in the last 2 years - both Netflix, and Hulu have really come along. They've been... well... awesome. Everything I want to watch can be watched between the two. I managed to watch more on these two sites, than I likely ever would have on TV. That's how I was able to watch 12 different shows. But my favorite thing about them - oh it's the best - going to the Hulu site, and seeing an image (like the one's you see here) of one of my shows. You know, they only do that when a new episode has just been posted. It's like getting a package in the mail! Oh what a wonderful feeling. I drop what I'm doing, and I click "watch now". It's like a drug - just talking about it - ooooo chills. I managed to block that out the last couple of weeks. It wasn't till I did the post on Heifer Fest that I realized the power that these sites had over me. I went to Hulu to get that clip of Liz eating cigarettes, and there it was - LOST - right there on the main page. Immediately, I got excited. 

In the last two and a half weeks I've learned to resist that urge to click "watch now," so I didn't. In fact, it felt really weird being on the site. Taking the 10 seconds to think things through without instantly clicking "watch now" opened my eyes. "Woah - did you see how you just reacted to that picture, Brett?" After thinking about it more - and realizing how many NEW shows I could "watch now," and it makes me a little sad. OK makes me more than a little sad - which is sad in itself. But knowing the reaction Hulu's new episode adds can elicit makes me that much more confident that what I'm doing needs to be done. My resolve for this cause is now stronger than ever, but I definitely miss my friend, the enemy.
Today's temptation rating: all over the place

Days without incident: 18

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