Friday, February 19, 2010

the life of a kindergartner... well... minus sesame street

When I was 5 years old, I think I would have told you that the favorite part of my day was eating cheerios while watching Bert and Ernie. (I hope you're beginning to see how deeply ingrained vegging in front of the TV is - even as a wee-laddy.) But now, 21 years later, as I lament the fact that this is the last day of my February vacation, I think I would have to change my answer. I've really kicked my own butt this week with my training, and my NAP TIME has been invaluable. It's been a great alternative to watching TV, a great way to make Emily a little jealous, and a great source of recovery in a very difficult week of training. There's nothing like a 10AM-12PM nap time after your first workout (or "play time") to really get the rest of your day going. I could reflect on how much sleep and recovery time I would have missed out on this week had I sat on the couch and watched 24 instead (I'd probably be through two more seasons by now), but instead, I'm going to revisit some of the fantastic naps I got in the last 11 days.
  • There was last weeks impromptu 2 hour nap on the couch after a half day of school. I think I might have actually been writing a blog entry when I just conked out in the middle of it. I woke up 20 minutes later, so pleased that I took the lap top off my lap, and really got into it.
  • There was Wednesday's totally committed nap, where I did my full night time preparation. Got in my PJ's and got into bed. Also awesome.
  • There was yesterday's floor nap. Emily finds it really strange, but sometimes when I dramatize my fatigue, I'll collapse on the living room floor. At first it's usually a joke, but once I'm down there I'm always amazed at how comfortable it is. So yesterday, I tried taking my nap down there intentionally. Surprisingly (probably not to Emily) not as comfortable as I thought it would be. I guess the floor is more for cat naps - 20 to 30 minutes. (And yes I squeezed into that little space.)
This morning I had a really hard swim workout that followed a really hard bike workout last night, and tonight I have my hard run for the week - to I'm not gonna mess around with today's nap. I'm getting into bed.

Today's temptation rating: 3.5 (and holding steady)

Days without incident: 11

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