Thursday, February 11, 2010


Seriously, I'm having withdrawal today. I have a legitimate headache. At first I thought it was just because I've been sleeping a lot more (I've taken 2 hour naps each of the last two days during the time that I would have spent sitting on the couch watching TV), but then I realized, I haven't slept very long at night. I'm, still rounding out at about 8 hours a day - hardly enough to justify a headache from too much sleep. It must be the TV!

I guess this is what's called the detox period for addicts right? My brain is adjusting to the lack of TV. Actually last night I dreamed about people from my past (less common in my dreams) instead of characters from shows I'm watching (more common in my dreams). In the past even when I dreamed about people in real life, the dream often took place in a fictional setting from whatever show I had been watching most religiously at the time. Sometimes the fictional characters would even get mixed in there with the real ones too. Last night however, was entirely real people, in an entirely real setting. Maybe that's why my brain hurts today - it's not used to so much reality. I'm shooting in the dark here, but it all makes sense in my TV deprived brain.

Also, I'm realizing that I haven't posted pictures for the last two posts... I'll try and be a little more visual tomorrow. :-)

Days without incident: 3

1 comment:

  1. Wow - that was a very deep dream analysis. I have a headache solution - start drinking coffee! I'll make a bigger pot in the morning and you can have some too. Alternatively, your issue could be a headache from deep sadness following the fake snowstorm yesterday. Tragedy can often bring pain.
