Sunday, February 28, 2010

Weekends are too short.

I used to say that all the time. I probably spent somewhere in the ball park of 8-10 hours a day watching TV on the weekends. In fact, my belief that weekends are too short is partially responsible for my decision to stop watching TV. I figured, if I got 8-10 hours of my life back each day of the weekend, it would be plenty long enough. I think I was right and wrong..

Here's how I was right:
Yes, I got lots more time in my day. Yesterday I cleaned the whole house, got halfway through the laundry, went to a fundraiser, swam, and wrote a bunch of emails. In Joey's world, that's gotta count for at least 7 days of stuff. Here, see what I'm talking about:

Maybe I should start prank calling people with my free time... hmmm :-)

Here's how I was wrong: It's the end of the weekend already, and I really don't feel like I got any rest. Sure I'm more productive - getting all kinds of stuff done that I wouldn't have if we still had TV, but I want that down time. Naps are great, but what about that time TV provides where you can be conscious, and yet in a completely passive state? Isn't there value to that time? I think there might be... What did people used to do with that time? I always think of the old guys sitting in their rocking chairs on the porch, sippin' sweet tea and playing the banjo. I don't know how to play the banjo... it might be fun to learn, but also... I don't have a porch. Well, TV was great for that kind of time, but that's out of the picture now, so either I've gotta learn to play the banjo, or I've gotta find something else. Any suggestions? You think about it and I'll start making the sweet tea.

Today's temptation rating: 8.8

Days without incident: 20!!!


  1. Eureka on Beacon Street(near Coolidge Corner)has some sweet puzzles and obscure games (like Bananagrams!) that could be relaxing non-tv hobbies.

    On another note, I just found and enjoy your blog! I read back posts, making me think perhaps I'm addicted to blog reading. But I checked it against the definition of addiction in your first post and I think I'm okay. :)

    Two questions. Are you cutting out movies altogether, or are they okay for a Friday night date night if okayed by Emily? And can I ask why you don't count the Olympics as TV watching? I think I know the answer, but I'm curious what you have to say... :)

  2. If only you could control yourself, you'd be able to just watch an hour or so every now and again.....

  3. Anna - As per Emily's accusations that I don't read my blog comments, I'm going back through to check comments I haven't responded too... I just found this one. :-)

    Answer 1: Friday night date night at the theatah (spoken in a pretentious fashion) is fine because technically it's not TV. I'm even allowed to suggest it. A movie or show of some sort at home will be allowed in 3 to 6 months, after I'm certain I've completely detoxed.

    Answer 2: The Olympics do count if I'm the one that turned them on at home. But the rule is that if I go to someone else's house and they're watching TV, I'm allowed to watch too. The last three weekends I've watched Olympics because it was on at the homes of the friends and family we visited.

    The point is not that I never see images moving on a screen - it's that I have no say or control over what's on if it's in the room. :-)
