Saturday, March 13, 2010

Busy Day!

Yikes! Got up at 5:30, at some breakfast and took a nice little morning walk with Emily, did some laundry, biked, ran, ate, napped, swam to the pool (on my bike in the torrential down-poor), swam AT the pool, swam home (also on my bike - SO WINDY!), ate a snack, and here I am. I'd love to write a little more, but I've gotta go make dinner - salmon and some crazy veggies that Gered made me buy - and then Emily and I are off to SEE A MOVIE! Despite the lack of recommendations for a movie (thanks Mom and Dad for your input) I was able to decide on Cop Out.

All this business has kept me from any real struggle with TV today. Admittedly, I did want to turn something on when I get back from the pool, but then I realized all I had to do before Emily got home! 

I do want to give a shout out to my friend Dan, who has officially decided to give up TV with me (with the exception of The Office on Thursdays). He's about a week in, and stayin' strong. He texted me this morning to tell me that despite his own personal TV with direct TV cable on his JetBlue flight to Chicago, he did NOT watch it the whole way there! Go Dan!

Today's temptation rating: 2.1

Days without incident: 33? Yeah, that sounds right.

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