Friday, March 12, 2010

"The Theatuh" (spoken all snooty)

Well folks, it's been a full month now. I insisted that for the initial detox period, I was not allowed to exercise one of my two exceptions to the rule of no TV. That being that I am allowed to go to see movies in "the theatuh." I've been pronouncing it this way lately as a way to convince myself that the theatuh because when you say it in a snooty tone, it sounds less like watching TV and more like a culturally enlightening experience. (Even though there is a solid chance that tomorrow night I'll be going to see "Cop Out" - the poster speaks for itself.)

So I could spend my time this morning reflecting on a successful first month of surgically removing the TV from the position of Lord over my life, or I could put take a quick poll on what movie I should go see. Ummm... I think I've reflected enough over the last 31 days. Let's pick a movie. :-)

So there's Cop Out, which has Bruce Willis being Bruce Willis, and Tracy Morgan as what I imagine to be some variation of Tracy Jordan (his awesome 30 Rock persona). Sounds like great fun all around, but I probably couldn't refer to it as an experience at "the theatuh."

There's Valentine's Day, which promises more movie stars than you can shake a stick at. It does make me wonder if there are just too many cooks in the kitchen that is this movie for it to be any good. Regardless of how good or bad it may be, I'm sure it'd make Emily happy, and I could always see my funny boy movie some other time. On the other hand, she is the one that keeps saying that this is MY first movie after a month without TV. Hmmm...

Other movies in the running include: Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightening Thief (yes, I love kid's movies - especially the cartoon ones) and Green Zone (really a guy movie - maybe another time). The other option is to wait until next weekend when The Bounty Hunter (one that both Emily and I would probably really enjoy) and How to Train Your Dragon (yes, another kids movie - and this one IS a cartoon) come out, but I think we all know that this is happening this Saturday.

So what do you think? I invite your recommendations/votes!

Today's temptation rating: 4.9

Days without incident: 32


  1. I'd probably go with the Green Zone as my first choice. OK - probably a guys pick, although most women do like Matt Damon. After that, I'd have to agree with the Cop Out choice. Probably a mix of action and comedy I'm guessing.

    Mom and I may hit the Theatuh too this weekend. I'm hoping I can convince her to see Green Zone, but Cop Out might be a good compromise for us. No chance of getting me to go see Valentines Day...or a cartoon...

    Have fun...and a great weekend!

  2. What about the Oscar winner Hurt Locker? Could it be too heavy?

  3. Looks interesting, but definitely not something Emily would want to see. Also not showing at the place we're going.
