Monday, March 15, 2010

What to do with a rainy day...

If you live on the east coast, you're probably wet right now. Sure you could be inside, but if you were outside at any point, you're probably still saturated by the relentless rain that's been falling for three days now. I've been inside for all but about 4 minutes today, and my toes are still wet from those 4 minutes. Sad for my toes. Anyway - it's the kind of rainy day where you just want to call in sick, put on your sweats, grab a blanket, some popcorn, a hot chocolate, and watch movies all day - never setting foot outside. Unfortunately, that's not the road I took this morning, nor will it be a path I'll take when I get home. Sadly, I will definitely be getting wet this evening...

Sadder still, I can tell you that were I still watching TV, I probably would have stayed dry this evening. This is EXACTLY how today would have unfolded were I allowed to watch TV:
  1. I would have walked in the door, took off my wet shoes and jacket, and turned on the TV.
  2. At some point shortly thereafter, I would have gotten some popcorn, and a glass of chocolate milk.
  3. I would have sat there watching all kinds of new and old episodes of my favorite shows.
  4. 4:30 would roll by, 4:45, 5:00... at which point I'll begin to contemplate not swimming today (I have a bike ride and a swim this evening).
  5. 5:30 will roll around, and I'll realize I don't have enough time to both bike and swim, so I will officially "decide" not to swim (though the TV would have made that decision for me).
  6. Probably right around 6:00 I'll decide to get on my bike, which will take about 30 minutes because I'll get set up while watching TV.
  7. My ride would be mediocre at best because I'll be distracted by watching whatever it is that I'm watching, and I'd probably stop early anyway, because... well I would be disappointed with myself for (A) skipping my swim workout and (B) riding poorly.
  8. I'd get done around 7:50, but whatever I'd be watching wouldn't be over for another 20 minutes, so I'd  stand there and pseudo stretch (pretend to myself that I'm stretching, but not really doing anything) until it's over.
  9. Get in the shower around 8:15 and get to making dinner around 8:45 - incidentally, that's about the same time I'd get home from the pool and start cooking anyway.
Instead I will start my bike ride promptly at 4:30, get done around 6:15, ride over to the pool, swim with some buddies, get home by 8:45, start cooking, and be a lot more satisfied with my time... Well hey! I guess I don't need to figure out what to do with a rainy day. Seems like I've got it all figured out already! Glad I'm not doin' that other thing!

Today's temptation rating: 6.4

Days without incident: 35

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