Thursday, March 11, 2010

Little reminders...

Last night, I made one of my favorite comfort foods for dinner - orange chicken and broccoli. Mmmmm. I had my third really difficult workout in a row yesterday, and I was BEAT afterward. I thought it was well deserved. But, interestingly, as I began to plot my comfortable and relaxing evening, I (almost instinctively) thought to myself, "I'll have some chocolate milk, I'll stretch, I'll have some orange chicken on the couch, I'll watch some TV, and then I'll go to bed!" It took me a couple of seconds to scratch out number four on that list.

When I finally realized that my plan for the evening included watching TV, I was a little disappointed. A little more so when, as Emily and I sat down to eat, she said (jokingly), "Oh, let's watch some TV." I guess it's all part of the grieving process. You know when you break up with someone, and you see something that reminds you of them. It takes time to get over those little reminders. Like in the first season of "Friends" when Ross is all depressed because it was an anniversary of his with his ex-wife (a lesbian that was currently pregnant with his baby). He got all mopey on the sidewalk because he saw a peach pit on the ground. I don't want to equate giving up TV with divorce or death or anything as serious as that - certainly not on the same level - but you get the idea.

It has been a month now - and I'm noticing that these little reminders are coming fewer and farther between. Moreover my response to them his a little less dramatic and ridiculous each time. I no longer make the sad puppy dog face with the big bottom lip... PROGRESS!

Today's temptation rating: 1.9

Days without incident: 31

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