Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Monday, Tuesday, Crappy Days...

Get it? Like the opening song to Happy Days, except that I replaced "hap" with "crap"... you get it. Anyway, that's the theme song for the start of this week folks. I had a swim meet this last weekend - and despite it going pretty well, I'm freakin' exhausted. That coupled with the fact that it might quite possibly be as depressing outside as anyone could ever imagine, and probably a few other factors have made yesterday and today two of the more depressingly crappy days on record.

You might have noticed that I haven't been blogging so much lately. Well, like I told a concerned student this morning in class (that's right, someone other than you actually reads this, Mom! :-)) I've just been filling my time with things to do more. TV has, in large part, been replaced by real life. Success! But today... oh boy. Today is what my students might call a "life fail".

Back in the days when I was watching TV, if I had a crappy day, I would just watch, watch, watch... show, show, show. Sometimes if I felt reeeeaaaallly validated, I would be in a slightly better mode as I went to bed having done nothing else. But sometimes, I would just sulk in the crappiness of the day in front of the TV all afternoon/evening, and not get anything else done. This would of course leave me feeling guilty that I didn't do anything with the day, and I would then become disappointed with myself, and thus even more depressed about how crappy the day was. I figured without TV as that outlet on crappy days, I was safe from sinking myself further into those already crappy and depressing days. As it turns out... "la, la, la... I'm no superman." :-)

Those days are just bound to happen, and there's nothing I can do about it. Today (and yesterday) was one of those crappy days. Yesterday really set the stage. Exhausted from the meet this weekend, my emotional state has been pretty fragile - I'd say. The rain doesn't help. Especially since, without a car, I have to go out in it. Rain or shine, I had to ride my bike up to the pool for my swim workouts. So yesterday I got to ride up to the pool. (When I got there, there was a guy standing under the awning, talking to someone on his phone for the sole purpose of complaining about the fact that it was raining buckets and that his car was 100 feet away. He said this as he watched me ride in from the rain, completely drenched head to toe. So... I guess I could have been in a bit more of a sulky cranky mood - but don't worry... I'll get there soon enough as the story is not over.) The ride up was ok, I guess... but on the way home - I rode through a puddle (word to the wise - if it's raining AVOID PUDDLES ON YOUR BIKE), right into a huge pot hole that stopped me dead in my tracks. I got a flat tire... 2 miles from my house. That's right. So in the pouring down rain, I had to get off my bike, and change a flat tire, and then continue to ride home.

Today, I was supposed to ride up to the pool again. This time to swim and run - both indoors because it is yet again, raining like a banshee. I had a little extra time though - which turned out to be just enough down time before my workout to fall asleep. That was about 4 hours ago, and I woke up about an hour ago. So today, instead of going out in the rain, I fell asleep for about 3 hours. Didn't do my workouts. Made a sucky dinner, which my poor wife will have to eat when she gets home... all by herself... Why? Because I'm a bad husband that's going to bed without her, because despite sleeping an extra 3 hours this afternoon, my eyes are doing this weird shifty thing that is making me dizzy, and difficult for me to finish typing this blog entry. Is that from not watching TV anymore? Who knows!

Bottom line is this - as it turns out - those really crappy days that I thought were crappy in part because of TV might have just been days that were bound to be crappy regardless. Oh well - the sun will come out... tomor--oh wait, no it won't. The sun will come out... the day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, bet your bottom dollar that ... the day after tomorrow.... there'll be sun. In the meantime - let the crap-fest continue.

Today's temptation rating: 7.6

Day's without incident: 48

PS - I sincerely apologize if I depressed you a little with this post. :-)


  1. For concerned parties, I'm happy to report that Brett was in a better moood this a.m. Getting a little sleep can help cure most crappy days and moods. :)

  2. That really was a crappy horrible day...YUK. But if it allowed you to get the much needed sleep after that grueling weekend long 12 hour days swim meet then so be it!

    I wonder how come non of your students make comments on your blog?
