Sunday, March 14, 2010

The greatest sandwich in the world...

Alright folks, this entry might be a little on the longer side, but I promise it's got some good stories and funny clips. I would like to offer a little bit of philosophical insight with regard to my movie going experience last night after a month without TV. But to do that I need to tell you about a sandwich.

When I was 11 or so, I had the stomach flu. It was crazy - I remember it hurt really bad. I went to the doctor's office, they made me poop in a cup, it was crazy. I even had to stay in the hospital for a night. The worst thing about it though, was that there were a couple of days in there where I could not eat. I think they let me eat Jello in the hospital, but that was it, and the fun of a kid getting to eat nothing but Jello wore off pretty quickly - I wanted some real food.

On our way home from the hospital, my mom stopped at a deli (which I only found out recently is short for "delicatessen") to get me a sandwich. It was a simple sandwich - white bread, turkey, butter, and lettuce (and a little salt and pepper in there for good measure of course). I was telling Emily about the sandwich last night, and she didn't even think it sounded very good. It still sounds pretty good to me. But what you have to understand is that upon eating this sandwich after several days without food, I was confident that it was the greatest sandwich in the world. I mean I though the guy behind the counter of the deli was some sort of undiscovered culinary genius! I felt - about this sandwich - much like Joey did about his in these three little friends clips...

Oh Joey you are crazy, but I think I'd have to agree. If I did know where to find the best meatball sub in the world, I think I might dive to protect it from a car backfire too. Anyway, I don't think that this story is actually all that relevant to mine, but when I talk about how I thought my turkey club was the greatest sandwich in the world - it brings back the memory of this very funny moment in the world of Friends. I thought I'd share.

So back to MY story - About a month later after a reasonable amount of begging my mother, she took me back to the deli to get the turkey sandwich again, and it was a grand disappointment the second time around. Why? Was it that the switched out the boar's head for some other brand? Was it soggy lettuce? Was it too much butter? Not enough salt and pepper? What? That was when my mother explained to me the delicatessen's theory of relativity. "Maybe the sandwich was so good las time because hadn't eaten any food in a couple of days." The sandwich was probably mediocre the first time around too, but because I hadn't eaten in so long, it tasted fantastic. Any other day I would have thought nothing of the sandwich, but relative to the circumstance, I probably could have picked that sandwich out of the garbage that afternoon and thought it was the greatest dumpster find ever.

Enter last night's movie going experience. Cop Out is the greatest movie in the world. And I say that with the utmost sincerity. Tracy Morgan, Bruce Willis, and Seann William Scott are three of the funniest men on the big screen. I was laughing the whole movie - enjoying every second. I say this aware that had I watched Cop Out a month ago, I might have only rated it as so-so. But the month I've spent without TV has definitely heightened my appreciation for the motion pictures. I'm ok with that.

When I was in college I would drink soda like water. Seriously, every now and then I would go to Costco and get a couple of cases of soda. I probably went through 3 or 4 cans a day. I drank so much Dr. Pepper in college that I no longer enjoy it! Now Emily and I don't buy soda. If I want something sweet and bubbly, I mix cranberry juice with seltzer, and vuala, a slightly more healthy substitute. When we go out to eat however, I am allowed to order soda. It's awesome. I love me some restaurant coca cola! I went out for drinks with some of my fellow teachers on one or two occasions. They all look at me funny when everyone else orders a beer and I ask for a Coke. "I have beer at home," I explain, "but soda - well soda is my treat!"

So I guess movies are becoming like soda to me, I guess. My heart was already fond of TV/motion pictures, so I think it's safe to say that the absence of TV cannot make my already too fond heart grow fonder. But absence has definitely given me a greater appreciation when I do get to visit the theatah!

Today's temptation rating: 4.9

Days without incident: 34

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