Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Today's new outlet for procrastination...

So I'm trying to become this super fit professional triathlete, right? It can be difficult when your wife tries new concoctions like chocolate chip cookie brownies. No, not chocolate chip brownies. Nope, not those chocolate chip cookies that come in bricks like brownies. Chocolate chip brownies. Just look below at the deliciously unhealthiness that is my new favorite dessert.
First you take a brownie pan. Fill it with brownie batter... mmm... then you take chocolate chip cookie dough and plop it in the brownie batter... MMM... Then you bake it. But wait folks there's more!
Then you make this chocolate sauce from cream and butter and chocolate chips, and you pour it all over the top! I know right. Freakin' delicious, let me tell you. So delicious I was actually eating it just moments before racing at my swim meet this weekend (as were several of my relay team members). Awesomeness all around.

ANYWAY... we consequently have a large sum of left over cookie dough sitting in our refrigerator. If we had a TV, I would have procrastinated on doing my workouts for the day by picking up the bag of cookie dough and proceeding to have eat an unmonitored quantity daily as I zoned out in front of the TV after work. The bag might have lasted a day or two. It's now several days later and there is still about half of the cookie dough still sitting in the fridge (I'm so healthy... not really). Well, maybe on the counter... because without TV, I just found a new way to waste my after school time. 

PAN FRIED CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES. That's right friends, take some cookie dough and put it in a non stick pan... see what happens... I did. The first one burned... pretty badly on the outside, but was still gooey in the middle. How do I know? Well despite the charred outside, I ate it anyway of course. No sense wasting perfectly good cookie dough. The second cookie was much more successful. It's a rather slow cooking process, but the result was almost worth the wait. It took about as long as it takes to bake a cookie in the oven, but yielded two crispy sides instead of one. If you like your cookies crispy it'd definitely be something to try. I'd show you a picture, but I only made one and I ate it already. I tried finding a picture of it somewhere online, but would you believe it... I found no recipes for pan fried chocolate chip cookies. Deep fried, sure, but not pan fried! I guess this not TV thing has my creative juices flowing.

Anyway, time to go work off the cookie dough. That's all folks!

Today's temptation rating: 6.5

Days without incident: 49

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