Saturday, March 6, 2010

Old habit in new ways...

So one of the reasons that I dropped TV like a hot potato was because there were many nights where Emily and I would watch TV instead of catching up on all the time we spend apart. Particularly Wednesday's and Friday's because they're really the only times during the week that we should have a chance to check in with each other and see how the other is doing. That time often got lost watching TV. We'd put on a show while we ate dinner... one show would turn into three... and then it was bed time. I was hopeful that with no more TV, we would spend more of that dinner/after dinner time catching up with each other.

Sadly, last night we got a little distracted. You see, I actually have another blog ( that I share with my friend Gered. Dissatisfied with the types of triathlon teams available in our areas, we decided to start our own. We thought it'd be a good idea for each of us to start building exposure as we achieve pro status with triathlons and seek sponsorship. We decided last night that it was time to consider getting apparel. And Emily, being the marketing consultant to team scrappy, suggested that we design a logo. So after dinner I spent right around 2 hours making this...
Two frickin' hours! I have a newfound respect for graphic designers everywhere - though I suspect that they work with far better software - I just used powerpoint drawing tools. Emily was a little annoyed by the time I got done, but I partially blame her, as I wanted to just copy some sort of triathlon icon off the web. "That's copyright infringement!" (Imagine my imitation in a high pitched dramatization of her voice.) Most of the time was spent trying to draw that little triathlon dude swimming, biking, and running.  Gered said it looks a little "halloweeny"... offended, I called him a little "halloweiner"... clever, I know. :-) To continue the polling of the 3 people that read this post, what do you think? Halloweeny? (I promise I won't call you some poorly constructed juvenile name.)

When I was finished, it was pretty much bed time. Time disappeared just as it used to with TV. So lesson learned... I need to make sure that I'm filling my formerly TV time with the things I was trying to make room for. Let's face it folks - as awesome as this logo looks - I didn't give up TV to draw stick figures all night. :-)

Today's temptation rating: 4.8

Days without incident: 26


  1. Maybe a little halloweeny due to the font for "scrappy" but it could be good to scare your competition? Ian volunteered us to help if you want since we have those fancy graphic designer programs and he's pretty talented in that department :) let us know if you want us on the job!

  2. PS we're impressed you made the sweet triathalon dude with powerpoint!

  3. Ohh - Anna, I'm responding for Brett because I'm starting to think he doesn't read his blog comments...but I think he could definitely use some wise and more technical counsel on creating version two of this logo! So, I'm saying yes for him. :)

    To everyone, and for the record, it IS copyright infringement to use an image from Google images for your logo. It's one thing to use those images to to illustrate your blog when you can link to the source, etc., but if you're going to have a logo, you kind of need to create it yourself. Clearly, I am fresh from a IP lawyer's training session at work - so watch out, and booya to my darling husband.

  4. Booya shmooya.

    1. I DO read blog comments - just maybe not every day.
    2. All those little triathlon dudes look the same anyway!
    3. Ian, Anna - I would definitely appreciate your help making a less spooky logo. :-)
