Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Too much changes...?

You'll have to excuse the cobwebs in my brain this mornings. I'm maybe a little bit under-sleeped. Emily and I are trying to train our bodies to wake up early without the alarm clock. She found this article somewhere: http://stronglifts.com/how-to-wake-up-early-the-definitive-guide/. The key component is to set your alarm for the same time every day regardless of when you get to bed, no snoozing. We set ours for 5:30. Are we stupid? I'll tell you what, if we aren't I'm definitely feeling a little stupider this morning - man I could go for a nap!

This all makes me wonder if maybe we're taking on too many changes at once. I gave up TV, we're trying to eat a little healthier (today's lunch: leftover polenta with white beans and kale), we're trying to figure out how to rest better (which this little experiment is meant to be part of), and now this 5:30 rule? Oh, I want my snooze button back (he whines like a five year old girl)!

Actually, as I was looking for a picture to go with this blog, I found this little diddy of an alarm clock... Get this: when the alarm goes off, this little helicopter takes off. You have to catch the helicopter and plug it back into the alarm clock. That's the only way to turn it off! That'd probably wake me up pretty good in the morning times. What do you think, should I get it? It's only 13 buckos on amazon!

One thing's for sure - this is it for life changes for now - please God let this be it for life changes right now.

On the upside, throwing no TV in with all the other changes makes it a lot less tempting... at least at the moment!

Today's temptation rating: 2.4

Days without incident: 29

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