Thursday, March 4, 2010

Re-learning how to rest...

For my training, this week is a recovery week. In addition workouts being less strenuous, this means that I'm supposed to try and get a little more rest, and really let my muscles capitalize on the period of time where I am putting it through less stress. So far I haven't done this. Typically, I would take this extra time and watch some extra TV. I'd sprawl out on the couch with a snack, and watch a couple extra re-runs of... well... something. (I'd like to say there's a go-to show there, but it could have been any one of the twelve on any given day.) Now I wouldn't call TV watching real quality rest, because as soon as I turn it on, the focus shifts from making sure my mind and body get what they need to... whether or not that tattoo Tracy Jordan got on his face is real (not real), or... the fate of Dunder Mifflin, Scranton branch (now a subsidiary of Sabre - pronounced "Saber"), or... how the kids of Glee perform at sectionals.

The point is that my much needed rest - though I may get some - is put to the wayside for TV. Not good. The problem now is that without TV, I'm not sitting on the couch so much anymore, regardless of the focus. Watching TV, I might have gotten some rest, but yesterday, I had 3 hours of free time that I instead used to organize our files (sitting), iron some wrinkly, but clean clothes (standing), folded a basket full of sox (sitting and standing), and put away some clothes that have been sitting at the foot of our bed for weeks (standing). None of these tasks has me lying down. Sure I feel like my life is in better order than it was when I was watching TV, but I don't feel rested - which I think is just as important. 

So I'm looking for alternatives to TV for rest. I got this (audio)book: "Rest: Living in Sabbath Simplicity," (Brett doesn't read.) which has really gotten me focused on this issue. Hopefully, as I get through it, I'll learn out to rest without the TV, and hopefully... that rest will be more fruitful. We'll see!

Today's temptation rating: 3.1

Days without incident: 24

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